About Mike Oliver


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Meet Mike

Sales Associate

After arriving in SLO in 1989 from Southern California, Mike enrolled at Cuesta college. The outdoor lifestyle of the central coast sparked a passion for travel and adventure. Mike made the Central coast his home base throughout his twenties and has always felt humbled to call the Central Coast home. When starting a family it was an easy choice to grow deeper roots in SLO County. Mike joined the Atascadero Fire Department as a paid call Firefighter and began what was to be a 17 year career for SLO county as an operations specialist at the Regional airport. Raising  his three children in such a beautiful environment was a dream come true. On a suggestion from his father Mike received his real estate license in 2008. Most people asked why now? Mike responded as he typically does, why not. Mike saw an opportunity to learn when times were tough. He began his real estate career and was able to utilize the relationships created in both of his previous endeavors. Mike's early years in real estate created a foundation built upon communication, transparency,hardwork and above all else service. Setting Company records in sales and building a reputation of tackling the difficult jobs, Now, after over 30 years in SLO county and 3 beautiful children and the support of his gorgeous wife Megan, Mike has cemented a tradition of trust in his personal and business life. 

Work With Mike

Get assistance in determining current property value, crafting a competitive offer, writing and negotiating a contract, and much more. Contact us today.

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